Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation
Who we are and what we do
The mission of the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation is to empower people with the knowledge and understanding of Amyloidosis for earlier detection, ensuring a better quality of life for those afflicted with the disease and to help science find the cures.
Charitable Giving
Capital Future Endowment
Fundraising Expenses
Administrative Expenses

Our Board

Lance Miller
Lance, Chip’s son, is a “chip off the old block.” They were the best of friends sharing similar passions such as Corvettes, racing, cars and the beach. Lance grew up in Ocean City, NJ surfing as much as the waves would allow and traveling with the National Scholastic Surfing Association Team (NSSA) to places such as Hawaii, Brazil, and California. After his father’s passing, Lance returned to Carlisle, PA to take over where his dad left off with Carlisle Events, a collector car and truck promotion company in Carlisle, PA. “I’m happy to help my father continue his legacy by helping others through our foundation. There’s nothing more rewarding than helping spread the word about this incredibly awful and deadly disease – amyloidosis.”Lance currently resides in Ocean City, NJ with his wife Michele and daughter Ella.”

Harold Brandt
Harold has been a financial manager for the past 25+ years and currently serves as the CFO of Carlisle Events and Treasurer for the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation. As Treasurer, Harold’s primary responsibility is directing and coordinating all foundation financial objectives and obligations, including developing annual budgets, developing cash management investment strategies and maintaining a financially solvent non-profit organization. He is a true asset to the organization. “It’s an honor to have been asked by Judy and the family to serve on the board of the foundation. I think it’s a great opportunity to continue with Chip’s legacy of raising awareness of the disease.” Harold lives in Hershey, PA with his wife Darlene, daughter Maggie and son Zak. Harold enjoys mountain biking and traveling with his family.

Judy Miller
Assistant Treasurer
Judy founded the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation after Chip passed away in March 2004. Chip always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives while he was alive and he continues to honor this by the work being done by the Foundation. “Our main objective is to raise awareness about amyloidosis in order to help other people with this disease be diagnosed earlier. The key is to be diagnosed as early as possible in order to have better treatment outcomes.” Judy divides her time between Carlisle and St. Pete Beach, Florida with her two kitties. She volunteers at the local hospital in Carlisle and loves to watch racing and play golf. She also loves to spend time with her two daughters and six grandchildren and great-grand children.

Bill Miller
Board Member
Bill met Chip in 1969 at a car event and they quickly became friends. Shortly thereafter in 1974, they became business partners when they started Carlisle Events. Bill started in car sales in 1966, became sales manager in 1970, and in 1977 became an automobile dealer. From that time until 1995 he owned four different automobile dealerships. In 1980, Chip and Bill became full-time with Carlisle Events with Bill selling the last automobile dealership in 1995. “My dealerships were never a job but an extension of the automotive hobby that I have always enjoyed. It doesn’t get any better in life than working in your hobby. I became a board member to honor my best friend and business partner in hopes of finding a cure for the dreaded disease that took his life.” Bill has been married to Peggy for 40 wonderful years and has two children Bill III and Kristine and three adorable grand kids, Christopher, Skylar, and Grayson. In his spare time Bill likes to fish and attend car events.

Nick Bricker
Board Member
Nick is a childhood friend of Lance and was extremely close with Chip where they enjoyed surfing and hanging out together in Ocean City, NJ. Today, Nick lives in Marmora, NJ with his wife Lizzy and son Ryland. He works in real estate and oversees various non-profit surfing events along the Jersey coast. Nick spearheads the CMAF’s annual Surf Fest competition which has raised over $50,000. “I serve on the foundation because Chip did so much for us when we were younger. He made such a huge impact on my life. I am now honored to be able to give something back for such a great person.”

Joseph Clemente
Board Member
Joe, a longtime friend of Chip Miller and dedicated friend of Carlisle Events, is a big car enthusiast who would give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He currently packages life-saving medications and vaccines for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Merck and Company. “For me it is an honor that the Miller family asked me to serve on this board. I am honored that I have been given the opportunity to help spread the word about this horrible disease that prematurely took the life of one of the greatest people that I have ever known, Chip Miller.” Joe has two daughters, Jessica and Stephanie, in King of Prussia, PA. His hobbies include Corvettes, Corvettes, and yes, Corvettes!

Michele Miller
Board Member
Michele Miller has a strong Marketing background and brings these expertise to the CMAF. She helps at many CMAF events each year and constantly comes up with amazing ideas to better help the CMAF grow. We are grateful to have her as a part of the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation board.

Andrew Saft
Board Member
Andrew is a Lifetime Achievement Award winning RE/MAX realtor with an amazing background that benefits the CMAF. We’re thrilled to have Andrew on the CMAF board for his many years of experience with helping various charities and foundations along with his contacts and sponsorship sales ability. Plus, he’s a big Corvette fan to boot!
More on Andrew can be found by visiting his website.

Diane Vaughn
Board Member
Diane retired from Carlisle Events after 30 plus years, however her love for Chip Miller brought her to the CMAF to better help raise funds and awareness for this deadly disease that took Chip’s short-lived life. Diane enjoys helping at various CMAF events each season and has a flare for always bringing joy and smiles to the people that surround her. Diane enjoys traveling and animals of all kinds. She’s a true asset for the CMAF and we’re thrilled she’s on the board.

Jeffrey Duda
Board Member
Jeffrey Duda, aka Zipity Duda, comes to the Board from his long friendship with Lance and his family. Jeff had the pleasure to meet Chip at his first Corvettes at Carlisle event in 2002 and was introduced to Lance and the Corvette obsession continued to grow. Jeff and Lance’s friendship grew as they and their families grew together. Duda’s daughter, Noelle and Miller’s daughter, Ella were born weeks apart and remain friends today. Nothing can take the place of losing a loved one and since Chip’s passing and the inception of the Foundation, Jeff has been a strong cheerleader and supporter of the organization. Jeff’s background includes a career as an Executive Chef and Sales and Marketing for one of the world’s largest food companies. He also spends time working in the local community of Hainesport in southern New Jersey as an elected School Board member, working to better the future for the area children.
The Corvette obsession started at 8 years old, when Jeff received his first ride in a 1978 Corvette and then was told stories of his own Father’s 1962 Honduras Maroon Corvette. From there it just grew until Jeff purchased the families first Corvette, a 1998 Convertible. Jeff, along with his wife Phyllis and daughter Noelle, are all Lifetime Members of the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Jeff has worked with the NCM as a volunteer for over the past 17 years, coordinating events such as the National Corvette Caravan and has lead groups of Corvettes from NJ & PA in 2003, 2009 and 2014, as well as acting as chairman for the National Corvette Caravan in 2019. Jeff is also set to lead the Atlantic Corvette Caravan in 2024, coordinating the drive for Corvette owners from the NJ/NY/PA area down to Bowling Green, KY for the 30th Anniversary of the NCM.
Jeff is also active in the local Corvette community as a Past President of 4 years and Board Member for over 10 years of The Original Garden State Corvette Club. This NJ non-profit Club is about supporting local and National charities and enjoying the Corvette lifestyle. A way Jeff shows his enthusiasm for the hobby is by way of his own automotive themed You Tube channel, called Zipity’s Garage. He will bring you along to area car shows, dealership inventory walks, and of course covering the events of the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation.
“I am honored and humbled to have been elected to the Board of the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation and will to the best of my ability bring honor to the position. Knowing what this disease can do and that early detection can help make a difference in the Quality of Life of those stricken with the disease. I will work to remain a cheerleader and promoter of this Foundation to help others in less fortunate circumstances..”

Alan Fuller
Board Member
“Life is good.”
To many, that’s an observation. I like to think of it as a fact. The “goodness” of life is not a result of what one has, but rather, what one does….one of my mantras is to “leave this earth a better place for having hosted your existence”.
I never met Chip Miller – I wish I had, for his legacy is far-reaching and impactful; but I believe I get a sense of him through his family and friends that I am blessed to have as part of my life. I’ve been a “car guy” since I started collecting Hot Wheels as a little boy when they first came out. Although I’m a passionate Corvette person first and foremost, I appreciate all makes and models; especially those vehicles that are a catalyst for friendship, family and happiness. This hobby has blessed me with some absolutely incredible friendships over the years, and those friendships have, time and again, demonstrated the goodness of people (and of life) to me. Those experiences have driven me to want to do more, to help slightly nudge the world in a better direction…
My wife Andrea and I recently moved to North Carolina after many years in Eastern PA, just down the road from the Fairgrounds. She is my rock, mentor and best friend; and has enabled many of the afore mentioned friendships.
To be a part of the CMAF is humbling, and my mission will be to use my experiences from life, from these friendships, from 35+ years in customer-facing roles in high technology, from 20 years of Carlisle attendance and Corvette involvement; to advance the CMAF. I’m not comfortable telling you about me, I would rather you tell me about you. You’ll not find me in the spotlight, but rather supporting things from off stage, hoping to contribute to better results, more impact and awareness, and making “Life is Good” fact for more and more as we continue our efforts to improve the quality of life for those affected by, and find a cure for, Amyloidosis.
I am honored.

Peter Asacker
Board Member
Peter is a long-time Corvette Enthusiast and has been helping with Foundation events for many years. He met Chip on his first trip to Carlisle in our 67. “Chip saw our number plate and instantly smiled and said Y I said Y not…which is now the plate on my Carlisle Blue GS. Over the next few events he always seemed to see the car and yell Y and I responded Ynot…foolish as it was we both laughed each time”
Peter’s start with cars was back in the 60’s with big block Camaros and Chevelle SS etc. Never a Vette. Not long later he met an older drag racer who raced a 1957 Corvette and took Peter under his wing. They traveled all over racing the car in NHRA events and held two different National Class records. Soon, Peter settled down and married his wife Pam who was a young nurse working in Boston with the doctors who were the pioneers in the development of the artificial hip and knees. They started a family with two great daughters and Peter became a Police officer in Massachusetts.
Peter and Pam continue to travel in their Corvette, meeting great people and enjoying life as much as possible.
When the CMAF introduced the Chips Circle at Corvettes at Carlisle, Peter became a major advocate for expanding the program. He promoted to many of his Corvette friends to come and join the event in order to support the Foundation, which they gladly have done.
Peter hopes to be able to visit the hospitals in Boston which are conducting research on Amyloidosis and bring news and updates to the Board and public and states, “My wife’s expertise will be a great benefit in this area. I look forward to meeting those I have not met yet and work along side the foundation to do what we can inform those about this disease, and help where we can to assist those who are affected, and help those who are searching for a cure.”
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